When you’re looking for a job and you find yourself faced with the multitude of offers on different platforms, it’s important to clearly determine the work environment that suits you the best. By doing your research, it becomes clear that taking the leap to an agency has many significant benefits that let you take advantage of the unique possibilities of this business model.
Since the post-pandemic return to normal, our talent and culture team has observed an evolution in the needs and priorities of the workforce on the current market. Perspectives have been readjusted and preferences redefined, which allows potential candidates to more easily recognize whether the agency model is a good fit for them or not.
Before joining nventive as a solutions architect, Guillaume Dussault worked on his own as a consultant for nearly 10 years. Although he was fortunate enough to juggle various projects, there was something missing… “When I was in my career, I felt the need to know other areas of business, to have the freedom to use the latest technologies more, and to experience a different, more engaging work atmosphere.”

By offering customized services, our team has the opportunity to work on projects that are each more unique than the last, and to explore the industries of our extensive network of clients. Each expert can use their background to achieve their objectives, while constantly facing new challenges, new skills, and new tools, since each digital solution is specific to the client.
This is what makes this business model so rich according to Sarah Hick, a web developer: “I chose to come to nventive because I like working at an agency. I need a pace where things progress quickly, without it taking tons of meetings to get going.” Our experts are real jacks of all trades with curiosity and a desire to constantly learn more.
«Some people come from other agencies and prefer this type of environment, but there are also people who come from product companies and are tired of constantly working on the same project. They’re looking for variety, and they’ll definitely find it here.»
Olivier Bernier
Talent acquisition specialist
In addition to the variety of clients and projects, our team is immersed in a diverse environment, with experts who have different interests, profiles, and experience levels. To find the right fit for the team, our talent and culture team meets with a wide range of candidates to find that hidden gem who will complement the expertise already in place. This is what makes the squads at nventive so strong: each member brings their own unique vision to each project in order to ensure its success.
The proximity effect
Although we have two campuses in Quebec City and Montreal, our community includes approximately 150 experts who know each other and work together regularly. This is a considerable advantage, according to Charles Héon, a web developer: “I now realize that nventive is the perfect size for me—not too small and not too big. You’re lucky to work with many highly qualified colleagues who are willing to help you at all times, and you don’t feel like a number.”

At every level, nventive offers an environment where the door is always wide open, whether it’s via a Teams message to ask for a helping hand or by going to the contact person’s workstation to ask them directly. This is what allows the team to have direct and more personal access to managers and leadership in order to advance their projects and careers.
For our web developer, Sarah Hick, access to vocational training definitely tipped the scales. “What distinguished nventive from other agencies, besides the activities offered, was above all the fact that they agreed to train me to change technologies. It’s pretty rare that you’re allowed to make that kind of change.” It’s not surprising at nventive for someone to be hired for one position and then evolve over time into one (or more) completely different roles. When they see potential, our managers are committed to supporting and guiding their employees in their professional development.
The flexibility to choose your schedule
Despite all these already-significant advantages, our talent and culture team agrees that what most often emerges as the greatest advantage of our business model is the flexibility offered in the management of schedules.
Whether it’s dropping the kids off at school, making a medical appointment, working abroad, or carrying out a side project you’re passionate about, whatever your reason or reality, you can choose your routine.
At all times, our team has the option to work from home or from the office as they see fit, without ever having to feel any discomfort from their team or their manager to favour one mode or the other. “It’s a chance to have the flexibility to work remotely or to go to our superb offices, even to be able to be accompanied on occasion by my youngest daughter during her educational days” emphasizes Guillaume Dussault, a solutions architect.
Obviously, when you have the luxury of choosing between several positions, each candidate makes their decision according to the aspects that best meet their needs and reality. Working at an agency certainly has many advantages that match many realities. Maybe even yours!
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