Balancing Workplace Flexibility for Employee Well-being

Balancing Workplace Flexibility for Employee Well-being

November 8, 2023
6 minutes

Because our smartphones are constantly within reach, connected to both personal and professional applications, it’s possible for workplace notifications to more easily intrude into those of our everyday lives. This reality has the effect of narrowing the line that separates these two spheres of our lives. As a company specializing in the development of digital solutions, we have an enhanced understanding of how these tools shape the lives of our experts. In this regard, we have chosen to make flexibility a central point of our identity as a company.

Confident employees at work

Trust at the Heart of Our Approach

There are times when professional and personal lives overlap, whether it’s due to unexpected family responsibilities, irregular sports training hours, or an urgent appointment. Therefore, it is important for us to build our work environment in a way that allows these two domains to cooperate harmoniously.

The trust we place in our experts encompasses many different spheres, such as managing their time, developing their autonomy and being totally transparent in communicating their needs. Indeed, we encourage our teams to organize their work schedules in such a way as to balance their responsibilities at work and at home. This means they can organize their schedule to leave work a little earlier each day to pick up the kids from daycare, or to take an early weekend to enjoy a Friday afternoon hike. The possibilities are endless!

This freedom of organization is essential, as it enables our employees to live a balanced life, while being fully committed to their professional responsibilities. For us, this is where flexibility begins to take on its full meaning.

«At nventive, flexibility and the balance between work and personal life are deeply ingrained in our corporate culture. We foster a work environment where flexibility is highly valued, enabling our teams to effectively balance their professional duties with their personal responsibilities. I am convinced that this approach is an essential element of our collective success.»

Malye Bourgault
Director of People & Culture at nventive.

Employee working remotely

Redefining the Workplace

Our commitment to flexibility also extends to our perspective on the work environment. Since the pandemic, we have observed that the location of our employees’ workplace has no impact on their productivity. We’d even go so far as to say that we’re seeing an increase in workforce productivity.

So, why not leverage this new reality for the benefit of all?

Whether in our offices, the comfort of their homes, or even at the family cottage, our experts can carry out their activities where they feel most comfortable and inspired, equipped with the necessary tools to facilitate this mobility. The workplace should not be an obstacle to productivity. Certainly, some people are more productive in a dynamic setting, while others perform better in a calmer setting that encourages concentration.

Employee taking a well-being break

Respecting Communication Boundaries

With this flexibility comes a new reality: the time at which each person starts or finishes their day may vary based on their needs, preferences, and agreements with their manager. Our flexibility goes beyond mere policies; it is a daily practice rooted in one of our core values: we collaborate to create.

We believe in the freedom to organize one’s own schedule while respecting the needs of colleagues and obligations to our clients.

We encourage our employees to pursue their passions outside the office, to take care of themselves and their loved ones, and, most importantly, to push their professional limits. We believe that this flexibility is synonymous with fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.

If an expert wishes to occasionally start their workday earlier or later to enhance their productivity, we encourage them to do so, provided that client needs are prioritized and requirements are met. This approach fosters a climate of trust and openness to others, as the limits of our peers are our own. For us, flexibility is more than just a philosophy; it’s at the core of our identity.

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