The Role of the SOC 2 Standard for a Development Company

The Role of SOC 2 Type 2 for a Development Company

Francis Venne
Information security officer
February 17, 2025
5 minutes
When facing the increase of cybercrime threats, it is imperative for development companies to proactively improve internal protocols to ensure the privacy and the security of client projects. In addition to our already established security committee, we are proud to be a company conformed to the SOC 2 Type 2 standard (System and Organization Controls), which was created by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to ensure the cybersecurity of our company and our projects. Francis Venne, Information security officer at nventive, concretely explains the role of the SOC 2 Type 2 in our organization.

The SOC 2 Type 2 Security Criteria

SOC 2 Type 2 is a conformity standard that company can acquire to establish organizational practices and controls to efficiently protect the privacy and the security of its organization and client data.

It consists of a set of policies, procedures, and controls audited by audit chartered professional accountants.

To better understand, here is the definition of these terms:

  • Controls: risk-mitigating systems or policies.
  • Policies: written document that describes what to do or not to do.
  • Procedures: document listing the steps to follow in a given situation.


The SOC 2 Type 2 standard comprises of five criteria that make up the ‘‘Trust Services Criteria’’:

  • Security: protect data and systems against unauthorized accesses.
  • Confidentiality: limit the access to data and data disclosure to a specific group of people.
  • Integrity: ensure a system or data has not been modified or destroyed in an unauthorized manner.
  • Availability: guarantee system accessibility as stated in a contract that includes security criteria.
  • Private life: protect all personally identifiable information.


To ensure conformity to the SOC 2 Type 2, auditors evaluate the efficiency of the controls performed throughout the year. “SOC 2 Type 2 is not just a checklist—it’s an ongoing process. Controls are modified, tools are changed, and policies and procedures must be reviewed. Cooperation between teams is essential to gather evidence and document a process that remains viable for the business line,” explains Francis Venne, Head of IT Security at nventive.

A Cybersecurity Experts Team

Our Confidentiality and Security team includes Francis Venne, Head of IT Security, our experts from the IT team, and our management. It is a solid multidisciplinary team that ensures each SOC 2 Type 2 processes are implemented daily.

"It’s important to count on several talents who have different experiences and insights, because it allows us to challenge ideas and to see problems (and their solution) in a different way, closer to what they would find in their business line. Indeed, a security team can’t be efficient if it doesn’t know the reality of operations."

Francis Venne
Head of IT Security

The Impact of our SOC 2 Type 2 Certification in our Projects

The security of our clients’ data is our priority. To that end, several controls are performed during mobile and web development. For all of our projects, we conduct a thorough risk analysis, we establish a recovery plan in case of violation and, lastly, we foster a security culture by using the Agile DevSecOps (development, security, operations) method.

"Since SOC 2 is more than just a security certification, all business lines need to be involved. Three years later, there’s a noticeable shift in company culture—people now ask themselves, 'Is this SOC 2 compliant?' when carrying out processes."

Francis Venne
Head of IT Security

The Practice of Agile DevSecOps Beyond SOC 2 Type 2

Conforming to the SOC 2 Type 2 standard gave us the opportunity to strengthen and to optimize our cybersecurity practices in accordance with the DevSecOps method.

With an agile and iterative methodology as foundation, our experts proactively identify risks and apply corrective processes to guarantee a secure environment for our clients.

We perform a control at each step of the software development phase in our projects:

DevSecOps: control at each step of the software development phase in projects
  • Plan: plan tasks and establish threat models.
  • Code: develop code using reliable practices and a code-review system.
  • Build: compile source code in binary to ensure it is functional and test code quality before deffusion.
  • Test: perform integration and quality assurance (QA) tests.
  • Release: secure the execution environment’s infrastructure.
  • Deploy: solve security issues that arise only directly in the production system after the production phase.
  • Operate: deploy infrastucture tools as code to update and secure the whole infrastructure.
  • Monitoring: continuously track security irregularities.

Establishing a Security Culture

Attackers constantly evolve and so software development teams must also evolve. That’s why our Confidentiality and Security team has also the goal of permanently improving our cybersecurity culture. The team offers support and training, while also sharing information and new practices with the teams to offer a secure service to our clients. This translates into monthly cybersecurity trainings and Lunch & Learn sessions about precise subjects in the field of cybersecurity.

“People get more motivated to be prudent when they understand the impact they have on the company’s cybersecurity. It’s also more gratifying to teach things to teams than to tell them what they should have done afterwards,” concludes Francis Venne.

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