Applied Digital: automate processes
Like most of our customers, you are constantly looking for ways to increase your profits. Digital automation of your processes can really help.
Automate processes to improve performance
At nventive, we aim to gain a deep understanding of your business and extract key information that will lead to the adoption of a high-performance digital solution. To achieve this, we sift through three fundamental aspects of a business;
- Internal processes. Employees, suppliers and all processes implemented to create a product or deliver a service.
- External customers. Current and potential users that we follow throughout their journey, both in moments of delight and disenchantment.
- The market. Industry standards and paradigms that are being adopted or challenged; your positioning in the market.
The idea is to get to the bottom of things. It requires you to deal with our many questions, including the one we're obsessed with: "Why do you do things this way?" It's a demanding exercise, but decidedly empowering, as these four real-life cases demonstrate.
Improving without changing
Can you make a customer experience more pleasant by revising the work process? Absolutely! This is the case of a pharmacy chain that has revolutionized the remote renewal of prescriptions and the processing before the customer arrives. The results: the waiting time on site is reduced and the staff can perform pharmaceutical procedures outside of peak periods.
The pitfall to avoid: Sometimes we think we must reinvent the wheel to improve our business process, when targeted changes can change everything about the customer experience.
Challenging the status quo
Raising the bar in its industry: mission possible for this financial institution, which reduced its business loan approval process to 48 hours - while its competitors can take a week. Its strategy? Favoring the execution of key steps upstream of the client's consultation with a loan advisor.
The pitfall to avoid: having preconceived notions that no technology solution is appropriate for our industry.
Going beyond urgent needs
Sometimes, one urgent need hides another, just as urgent. For example, this non-profit organization (NPO) urged us to find a solution to quickly meet the needs of people in distress. As our team investigated, we realized how difficult it was for researchers to obtain evidence to support those in the field. We therefore proposed two distinct technological solutions to meet the interrelated needs of the two stakeholders.
The pitfall to avoid: ignoring your company's deepest problems in favor of the most pressing ones.
Spotting the wrong idea
Technology doesn't always have the answer. For example, a kitchen cabinet manufacturer with illegible plans submitted to designers is problematic. Would a digital solution save time? At first glance, yes. But when you dig deeper, you realize that a tablet application would not be suitable for employees. In short, a technological solution, even if interesting, will be ineffective if it is shunned by employees.
The pitfall to avoid: neglecting to analyze the internal client because you think you know them.
Our recommendations
- To find THE right solution, you must find the source of the challenge or problem. There are many ways to improve your business processes. How do you find your way? We believe that our approach based on the sum of the data collected on your internal processes, the analysis of your external stakeholders and your market will allow you to choose the most efficient and profitable technological solution.
- Focus on the most profitable customers. Usually, 20% of customers generate about 80% of a company's profits. That's why it's important to know which customers are the most profitable for you, and which you'll benefit from focusing on. By doing so, you will stop wasting valuable time with customers who do not buy (or buy too little) of your products.
You can also view and listen on our YouTube channel the complete exchange between Julie Lortie-Pelletier, Solution Director and Gabrielle Garand, Strategist at nventive.