
Asset Manager: A Customized Web App

Asset manager customized web app


The nventive Solution
We created and developed an interactive calculator that enables parents to visualize and to optimize the planning of their savings to fund their children’s higher education.

Simple to use yet comprehensive, this strategic tool is centred on the parents’ real needs and highlights Kaleido’s new brand promise and related coaching services.


Collaboration Objectives
Kaleido is a renowned leader in registered education savings plan (RESP) management. In 2022, the company underwent a brand refresh, acquiring a new image and positioning as well as a digital tool focused on education and coaching. The tool thus needed to showcase the financial products’ benefits while also clearly and rigorously demystifying the content.


Front-end Web development:
Vue.js, TypeScript


  • Business logic analysis
  • CX research
  • Prototype creation
  • UX and UI development
  • Web development
  • Optimization and support

Expert Synergy

Right at the start of the project, nventive performed an in-depth analysis that included the census of existing tools on the market.

" We were able to leverage pre-existing personas created by Kaleido. We also defined a relevant product strategy that aimed at offering calculators that were the most adapted to the main target segment’s specific needs and context, based on four guiding principles. These principles were written by taking into account the commercial context, Kaleido’s market position, their key differentiators and the clients’ needs. "

David A. Hamel
Vice-president of strategy, CX and design

A Relevant Design for User Experience

A Relevant Design for User Experience Our rigorous approach that relied on best practices in UX design has struck the right balance between the limited number of questions a user can ask and the accuracy of results the tool can provide. Optional questions give the users the opportunity to refine their analysis. The calculator allows the parents to determine the optimal amount of contribution to benefit from the government’s grants. It also generates an estimate of the contributions to pay, depending on the education level and the location of the child’s anticipated studies. Finally, the calculator provides complementary information, which aligns with the tool’s educative mission and the intended showcase of Kaleido’s coaching services

Interactive calculator to visualize and optimize education savings plan

"Very good and pleasant collaboration between the teams, and a good depth of reflection from a UX marketing perspective."

Éric Ampleman
UX Strategist, Strategy and marketing analytics
Web app optimized for desktop, tablet and mobile

A Universal Optimization

Resolutely optimized for mobiles, tablets and computers, the UI makes the tool very user-friendly, whether it be to enter data or to visualize results. Based on to the new brand guide, we recommended to add colours and shades to optimize the visualization of the calculator’s many charts and animations.

" I am proud of having designed a user experience and an interface that are both intuitive, dynamic and easy to use while being based on an in-depth analysis of our profiles. "

Patrice Patenaude
UX and UI designer

Well-Kept Secrets

It was crucial that the results of the simulators made by the user be saved for future reference. That way, when booking an appointment with a Kaleido representative, the user will be able to share the simulator’s results as well as manage the required regulatory consent to manage funds. In addition, we integrated an advanced pan to follow up on analytical data, which promotes the detailed analysis of the conversion funnel.

Developing the calculator has created major agility challengers that we overcame swiftly. How did we do it? By demonstrating intelligence and flexibility in realizing the API’s final version, which was in simultaneous development on Kaleido’s side.

Saving calculator simulations results

"5 000 utilisateurs ont débuté le parcours et 52 % l’ont complété entre le 1er mai et le 30 aout."

Éric Ampleman
UX Strategist, Strategy and marketing analytics

Building Future Projects

"The reception for the calculator is very good: users find it simple and effective. In addition to calculations and financial projections, the calculator allows families to dream about the future and to project themselves into it by understanding the great potential of Kaleido’s education savings products. It also enables parents to benefit from sound advice, and the variety of coaching services offered gives them confidence and helps their children achieve their full potential."

Éric Ampleman
Kaleido’s UX Strategist, Strategy and marketing analytics

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